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How to be more Elegant

Writer's picture: TheFineRefineTheFineRefine

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

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6 Steps to jumpstart your journey to becoming more Elegant


01. Understand elegance

Elegance is more than your wardrobe it's a lifestyle and it doesn't have to be an expensive one. Elegance describes the overall essence of yourself, your style, and your persona. It is a combination of how you dress, speak, walk, treat others, and most importantly how you treat yourself.

Elegant style for the modern-day woman is much more than sticking to antiquated societal dressing rules, it encompasses all aspects of your life.

The first changes on your path to becoming more elegant are life-changing. It all starts with a positive attitude towards yourself and being accepting of where you are now while you work hard to attain the life and style you want for yourself.


02. Commit to the change

Let's focus on purging. Take a hard look at your life, your closet, your home and purge the things you believe are keeping you from your goals.

Let's purge the negativity, the self-hate, and the items that are no longer representative of the lifestyle and personal style you want to accomplish.

Simplify your life so you can bring more of what makes you elevated, and refined into it.


03. Declutter your Mind

Being in the right mindset is imperative in order for any changes to occur in your life. Nowadays, we are bombarded by images of what we should look like, be like, or eat like. Start your journey by decluttering your mind and your social circle.

elegant woman deleting her instagram followers
  • Unfollow the accounts that make you feel bad about yourself.

  • Unfollow the influencers that don't inspire you but instead make you spend your hard-earned cash on things you don't need and won't work for you.

  • This is a tough one: you can either distance yourself or confront the people that bring you down, make you feel insecure, or are not contributing to your growth. Fill your circle with positive energy.

  • Learn to say no without guilt. Learn to cancel plans because you deserve to give your mind and body some R+R and self-care. There is nothing wrong with prioritizing yourself when you need to.

  • Begin to practice: gratitude for what you have and the journey you are on.

  • Make time to see a therapist if you are experiencing hardship. Mental health professionals can guide you in navigating difficult situations.

A person that prioritizes self-care becomes a person that is better at taking care of others.

04. Declutter your surroundings

How you treat your surroundings is an expression of who you are. Whether it's your bedroom at your parent's place, a shared space, or a house of your own: treat it with care. Clean and organized surroundings bring clarity, reduce stress, and allow you to make space for positive changes.


Related: The Ultimate Decluttering System used by Professional Organizers


05. Get your mental and physical health in check

Feeling and looking good on the outside starts on the inside.

You can't have good skin or teeth by following what Instagrammers have to say about healthcare, fitness, or dieting because they do not have the same skin, body type, or health issues that you have and a lot of them don't have a doctorate degree in what they preach.

one of the steps towards becoming elegant is visiting your Dentist

So make time for:

1. Your annual check-up

2. Your Gynecologist/Urologist

3. Your Dentist and your Dermatologist

4. Therapist

Make health a priority in your life.

If you have health insurance most of these visits will be covered. If you don't have health insurance find a Community Health Center near you that offers low-cost visits.


06. Define your personal style

woman defining her elegant personal style in yellow duster

Personal style is dynamic and should never be defined by a singular word like "elegant" because nobody's style is just ONE thing.

And as we already established elegance is more than just your clothes.

Personal style should be defined by multiple adjectives that define YOU, your life, and what makes you feel good.

Learn how to define your personal style here.


What steps are you taking to elevate yourself?





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